In an interview broadcast June 16th, 2010, on the
Guns and Butter program on Pacifica Network’s Berkeley affiliate
station KPFA,
host Bonnie Faulkner interviewed Prof Michael Hudson of the University
of Missouri-Kansas City regarding the current economic crisis in the
U.S. and Europe. Hudson made two main points. He claimed that his
perspective is a Marxist one, carrying on the tradition of political
economy in contrast to most of the contemporary left. He also stated
that there really is no economic crisis per se, but rather a political
crisis resulting from the latest chapter of a centuries-long struggle
by financial interests to reverse historical gains by progressive
forces and regain power over the global economic/political structure.
He subsequently advanced a political program to counter this crisis.
A week later, Faulkner (who has done many excellent shows on 9/11)
interviewed author and 9/11 researcher Webster Tarpley, who made very
similar points, though he did not claim to be in Marx’s tradition.
Tarpley presented similar programatic suggestions to Hudson’s, having
to do with greater government regulation of finance and efforts aimed
at restoring economic growth. The host clearly did not have the
familiarity to detect their ugly distortions and serious errors (hard
to tell them apart), so it’s up to those of us who can do so to
evaluate their presentations and expose these distortions and errors.
Not only are their analyses wrong, but they also present prescriptions
for “what is to be done” which are so deceptive and pernicious as to
amount to outright disinformation. If their program were to be widely
accepted and implemented (very unlikely), the effects would harm our
species’ ability to survive. But even if it were not, the diversion of
attention and energy would be highly damaging.
Hudson, who denounces post-1930s Marxists for not reading Marx's
"economics" writings, claims that Marx was a political economist or
even an economist. On February 17, 2009, in “The
Oligarchs’ Escape Plan” he wrote: “The alternative is a century and
a half old, and emerged out of the ideals of the classical economic
doctrines of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, and the last
great classical economist, Marx.” In fact, as Maximilien Rubel
explained in the essay “A Study of Marx's ‘Economics',” Marx wrote Capital
as an attack against a "science whose pretext is the wealth of nations
and whose raison d'ętre [reason for being] is the enslavement of 'the
poorest and the most numerous class.' For Karl Marx, political economy
was the theory of evil, the science of the dominant social order, and
he undertook the study of economics with the single, fixed purpose of
censure and denunciation." He saw political economy as "a science of
the means of obtaining wealth by producing poverty" (1).
In 1955, Paul Mattick, a real Marxist who had read Marx’s critique of
political economy and had written about it starting in the 1930s, wrote
an essay titled “Marx and Keynes” in which he explained Marx’s
position with regard to political economy and its practitioners:
“Classical economy, whose beginning is usually traced to Adam Smith,
found its best expression and also its end in David Ricardo. Ricardo,
as Marx wrote, ‘made the antagonism of class-interest, of wages and
profits, of profits and rent, the starting-point of his investigation,
naively taking this antagonism for a social law of nature. But by this
start the science of bourgeois economy had reached the limits beyond
which it could not pass,’ for a further critical development could lead
only to the recognition of the contradictions and limitations of the
capitalist system of production. By doing what could no longer
be done by bourgeois economists, Marx felt himself to be the true heir,
and the destroyer as well, of bourgeois economy.”
Hudson, both in the interview and in his writings, has made out Marx to
be an advocate for industrial capital against finance capital (which he
claims represents a vestige of feudalism) who saw capitalism as
evolving into socialism. From the February 17, 2009 article: “Their
[political economists, including Marx] common denominator was to view
rent and interest [as] extractive, not productive. Classical political
economy and its successor Progressive Era socialism sought to
nationalize the land (or at least to fully tax its rent as the fiscal
base). Governments were to create their own credit, not leave this
function to wealthy elites via a bank monopoly on credit creation. So
today’s neoliberalism paints a false picture of what the classical
economists envisioned as free markets. They were markets free of
economic rent and interest (and taxes to support an aristocracy or
oligarchy). Socialism was to free economies from these overhead
Six days later, in “The
Language of Looting,” he wrote: ”The fact that today’s neoliberals
claim to be the intellectual descendants of Adam Smith make[s] it
necessary to restore a more accurate historical perspective. Their
concept of ‘free markets’ is the antithesis of Smith’s. It is the
opposite of that of the classical political economists down through
John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx and the Progressive Era reforms that sought
to create markets free of extractive rentier claims by special
interests whose institutional power can be traced back to medieval
Europe and its age of military conquest... The argument between
Progressive Era reformers, socialists, anarchists and individualists
thus turned on the political strategy of how best to free markets from
debt and rent. Where they differed was on the best political means to
achieve it, above all the role of the state. There was broad agreement
that the state was controlled by vested interests inherited from feudal
Europe’s military conquests and the world that was colonized by
European military force. The political question at the turn of the 20th
century was whether peaceful democratic reform could overcome the
political and even military resistance wielded by the Old Regime using
violence to retain its ‘rights.’ The ensuing political revolutions were
grounded in the Enlightenment, in the legal philosophy of men such as
John Locke, political economists such as Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill
and Marx. Power was to be used to free markets from the predatory
property and financial systems inherited from feudalism. Markets were
to be free of privilege and free lunches, so that people would obtain
income and wealth only by their own labor and enterprise. This was the
essence of the labor theory of value and its complement, the concept of
economic rent as the excess of market price over socially necessary
Marx, however, did not see capitalism evolving smoothly into socialism.
Quite the contrary, he saw the need for an organized movement to
overthrow capitalist social relations and replace them with socialist
relations. He saw capitalism as being inherently a system
based upon the exploitation of the labor power of the many by a tiny
elite, a form of class domination, and rejected any sort of notion that
capitalist social relations were a transhistorical norm which humans
have to work within. He increasingly stated that this
necessary transformation was impossible to accomplish by taking over
the existing state and using its power to implement socialist measures,
either by voting or by a coup; change would require elimination of the
state and all forms of hierarchal power set apart from the populace. He
forecast that the failure to cast capitalism aside would lead to
greater and greater calamities for humanity with ever more destruction.
I think the subsequent historical evidence supporting this contention
is quite clear.
Beyond identifying Marx as a political economist, Hudson is also
complicit in a major deception in asserting that the labor theory of
value as articulated by Marx is the same labor theory of value used by
Smith and other political economists. This is completely wrong. Smith
and the other political economists viewed the social relations
underlying capitalism, particularly class relations, as being immutable
and reflecting a human nature which includes an instinct to “truck and
barter.” To Marx, this was the main reason why political economists
were unable to penetrate the seeming secrets of value and the mystery
of where profit comes from, as well as capitalism’s tendency towards
crises. They were loth to investigate the class relations
underlying capital.
Beneath the appearance of voluntary market exchange lay the reality of
the naked coercion of the Enclosures and the mass dispossession of the
peasantry, which created a class of people dependent upon the sale of
their labor power for survival. The surplus labor performed by members
of that class, their work time beyond the time necessary to create the
equivalent of their survival needs, is what creates all profit. Smith
left out this historical fact behind the creation of capitalism,
although his much less well-known colleague James Steuart openly
discussed it and the need for more Enclosures. Much more on this matter
can be found in the web article “The
Agrarian Origins of Capitalism" by Ellen Meiksins Wood and “Mass
Murder and Slavery” by “Not Bored.” In addition, it is quite
telling to see Hudson award capitalists a profit as a reward for their
“enterprise,” i.e. they supposedly deserve to make money because they
invested money with the intention of making money! It is a classical
capitalist apology for profit, one which Marx mercilessly and
repeatedly attacked.
Mattick, in his book Economic Crisis and Crisis Theory (1974),
elaborated Marx's understanding of market interactions such as value
and exchange as merely the surface appearances of the far more
fundamental class relationships which structure capitalist society:
“The limits of bourgeois economics are the starting point of the
Marxian critique. For Marx economic relationships are the form
assumed by class relationships under the conditions of capitalist
production. Value and price are equally fetishistic categories for the
real class relations that lie beneath them. While the
classical theory of value speaks of exchange value and use value, Marx
asks why the concept of value exists at all. His answer is that under
the conditions of capitalist property relations, the social labor
process is necessarily represented in terms of value relations. Since
in such a system the class relations of exploitation have the form of
exchange relations (since capitalists buy labor power from workers),
the division of social production into labor and surplus labor must
take on the character of value relations and appear as value and
surplus value. Were society not a class society resting on
exchange, there would be no exchange between the owners of the
conditions of production and the propertyless workers, and the social
production relations would not be value relations.
"The difficulties which the classical economists had with the theory of
value were due to the fact that although they considered commodities as
combining exchange value and use value, they did not discover this
double character in the commodity labor power. This discovery was
reserved for Marx, who was thus the first to account for exchange
relations as they actually exist without abandoning the law of value.
The exchange of commodities on the basis of labor-time equivalence can
yield no profit. The double character of the commodity labor power
creates the possibility of profit. While according to the law of value
the purchaser of labor power pays its exchange value, he acquires at
the same time its use value, which is able to produce a value greater
than its true exchange value. This is as much as to say that the price
relations of the market can be understood only with reference to the
value relations on which, as relations of production, they are based. The
essence of the value-governed system is not the exchange of labor-time
equivalents but the capitalist appropriation of unpaid surplus labor.”
Hudson’s characterization of Marx as an advocate for a liberated
capitalism thus amounts to a grave misrepresentation of the worst kind.
Additionally, it is one which has been undertaken with a particular
agenda in mind. Hudson denied in the interview that any basic crisis is
currently taking place within the capitalist system, let alone that
crisis is endemic to the system, and explains the current situation as
the latest chapter of finance capital continuing what it has done since
1980, reversing all the supposed gains of 20th century social democracy
and liberal reformism in order to promote its own social domination at
the expense of industry, labor and agriculture. This is ostensibly
being done by shifting the tax burden from those who own land and
financial capital, to labor and owners of productive capital, and
imposing austerity upon the working population. He contends that the
European Union was created by Europe’s socialists as a part of the
historical process of liberating capital from the rentiers, and laments
that these “socialists” now enforce the austerity desired by big
But even a cursory look at history discloses that the social welfare
measures enacted after WWII in Europe and to some extent in the US were
only possible because of the postwar economic expansion resulting from
the rebuilding the world’s largely shattered industrial structure, by
unprecedented exploitation of the resources of the “underdeveloped”
nations, and by massive expansion of debt. Such a look would also
disclose the key role played by France and West Germany in creating the
EU in the 1950s. Neither country had at the time a government in which
the “socialist” parties participated. The EU was in fact pushed by the
U.S. as part of consolidating the post-WWII American-dominated global
economic system.
Hudson reiterated in the interview that if finance capital were curbed
or outright nationalized (or put under public control, as with state
banks such as North Dakota’s), and a tax instituted on land and on
financial interests, finance capital could again be subjugated to
industrial capital, and economic growth and the progress towards social
justice could be resumed. He discussed his recent activities in
creating a political program for an opposition party in Latvia which
wishes to repudiate austerity policies imposed by international finance
and instead institute pro-growth measures, making it quite clear that
this is what he sees as the strategy which left activists in the US
ought to pursue, i.e., electing candidates to office who would
implement such proposals. He advocates increasing investment in
infrastructure in order to lower industry costs, and increasing the
wages of workers, both of which are supposed to make American industry
and agriculture better capable of “underselling other countries,” i.e.,
increased U.S. competitiveness in world markets. It is as if there are
no limits on capital created by its own structure, just press the gas
pedal to the floor and let the economic engine roar. This is quite
blatantly a capitalist agenda, and Hudson is attempting to use the
Marxist label to brand it as “progressive,” to legitimate it in the
eyes of what currently passes for the “left.”
Marx, on the other hand, made capitalism's inner
tendency towards crisis a core part of his analysis. Hudson
pretends that there is no crisis, that in fact there hasn't been one
continuous global crisis since the early 1970s (before the post-1980s
political changes which he blames the current situation on), or global
crises before WWI and WWII, with postwar "recoveries" running out of
steam before very long in each instance. His take is therefore a
falsification of the very essence of Marx's analysis. This is not a
matter of "correct line," but of serious misrepresentation of someone
else's thinking and analysis. The crisis which began in the early 1970s
has been delayed and ameliorated by a variety of measures, in
particular the most massive expansion of debt in history, leading to
the creation of unsustainable debt bubbles. It is rooted in the very
structure of capital, whose main expression in the world of perceivable
phenomena is the growing tendency of the rate of profit on capital to
fall, manifested most visibly in a growing global overcapacity in all
branches of production. More thorough analyses of the crisis can be
found in my earlier article “The Modern American Left Doesn’t Get Capitalism”
as well as Internationalist Perspective’s article “Crisis of Value.”
This crisis is why capital has deserted the increasingly unprofitable
sector of production in favor of finance and, increasingly, outright
financial speculation. Government measures can no more counter the
tendency of the rate of profit to fall than they can counter the law of
gravity. It is this crisis which has been ongoing since the
early 1970s which has led to cutbacks in the post WWII structures of
social welfare in the industrialized world and to changed policies on
the part of all governments, including those run by parties which are
“socialist.” Indeed, such parties have taken lead roles in
dismantling the “welfare state” and imposing austerity in places such
as Britain, Germany, France and Sweden. This has little to do with
Marxists not reading Marx’s “economic” writings, but rather reflects
the fact that these parties are a part of the corporate/state ruling
apparatus, and thus see their interests as congruent with those of the
capitalists. An aside: there is very little proof of a separation
between those who control “productive” capital and those who control
finance capital. A look at a board of directors of any major industrial
enterprise usually turns up someone on the board of a large finance
company, and vice versa. Top officials of both industrial and financial
mega-firms belong to the elite groups such as the Council on Foreign
Relations, Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group, the entities
which are the real decision-makers in this society, operating behind
the proverbial curtain, while figurehead politicians appear to govern.
Additionally, on top of the crisis of capital, we are now encountering
two crises never before experienced. The world’s ecological systems are
downright collapsing, exemplified by greatly increased climatic
instability, a record pace of species extinctions, and spreading
problems created by toxic chemicals and genetically engineered
organisms. Simultaneously, we are facing a growing resources crisis, in
particular energy sources, as fossil fuels are approaching or (more
likely) at their peak production levels while demand for the cheap
energy they provide continues to increase, and “alternative” energy
sources cannot substitute for them given our levels of
energy use. Additionally, the supplies of water and of vital minerals
and metals are also peaking. These two crises are deeply intertwined.
For example, climate change means increased pressure on water
resources. The current Gulf of Mexico catastrophe, still unfolding as
these words are being written, in which the Gulf’s ecosystem is being
murdered (and the economic structure of the region devastated), is the
result of Peak Oil. Ever fewer new oil fields are being
discovered, and they are smaller, while the older fields are rapidly
depleting. This leads oil producers to pursue less accessible fields
which require dangerous techniques to bring onto production. Such a
situation strongly encourages cutting corners in safety procedures in
order to lower costs. The idea that humanity can have perpetual growth,
which is what capital inherently demands, is not only preposterous, but
represents downright madness, if not a suicide wish.
In his interview a week later, Webster Tarpley reiterated Hudson’s
contention that there is no real crisis, but rather the results of
manipulation of the political process by finance interests, and that
what is needed is increased government intervention to roll back the
financial power grab and restore economic growth. He did so without any
attempt to place himself as a defender of the Marxist tradition. I
suppose he ought to be credited for not trying to do so. Instead, he
positioned himself in the tradition of the New Deal. His big idea is to
force the Federal Reserve to create out of thin air $3 trillion with
which to finance the infrastructure rebuilding program, which would
involve means of transportation such as the Interstate highway system,
canals and railroads, as well as the rebooting of American industry.
Are we to assume that the massive money creation would not create any
problems, and that warnings about inflationary consequences of such a
move are just right wing propaganda?
Tarpley has done some good work in the realm of 9/11 research. A couple
of pages in one of his books, 9/11 Synthetic Terror (2),
however, are quite revealing of his thinking on the subject of the
economic crisis. He called the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944,
designed by the FDR administration, and the post-WWII US-dominated
global economic structure which it created, “the most successful
monetary arrangement the world had ever seen.” Never mind the reality
of this arrangement, namely the expansion of the American empire by any
means necessary, culminating in the Vietnam War, nor the fact that it
collapsed by the early 1970s, which Tarpley admits, though he pretends
this was due to a push by evil forces for deindustrialization, forces
which have always hated science and technology because of their
“egalitarian effects.” He makes any notion of growing material limits
to industrial development, be they stresses on the environment or
developing shortages of fossil fuels and other resources, to be simply
propaganda disseminated by elite think tanks determined to derail human
progress. Humans need economic development, and this requires greater
energy resources, he asserts. This is identical to the line pushed by
the Lyndon LaRouche organization. No surprise, Tarpley was at one time
second only to LaRouche himself in that grouping. If there are no real
fossil fuel shortages, one wonders why energy companies are
increasingly embarking on projects in ever more remote and dangerous
places which present ever greater likelihood of catastrophic accidents
and yield less and less energy return for a given amount of energy
Not coincidentally, two weeks after this interview, Tarpley was again
on Guns and Butter, extolling the virtues of FDR’s New Deal, in
particular Social Security. Most people on the American left have a
similar perspective, viewing this program and the New Deal in general
as if they were significant steps towards social justice or even
socialism, when in fact FDR adviser Gerard Swope, at the time also
president of GE, was the prime architect of Social Security, among
other New Deal programs. The New Deal was also heavily influenced by
Herbert Lehman of Lehman Brothers (yes, that one) and W. Averel
Harriman, of Union Pacific and Union Bank, which was to function as
Hitler’s bank, with the cooperation of Harriman and Prescott Bush, the
father of George H.W. Bush and grandfather of Dubya. Meanwhile the
foreign policy of the U.S. was fully turned over to the Council on
Foreign Relations, whose work led to the Bretton Woods agreement and
the rest of the structure of the post WWII US-dominated global order.
Thus, it is no surprise that Tarpley calls for the reinvigorating of
American industry and for policies aimed at restoring growth, as growth
is good. In this, Tarpley and Hudson are in full agreement: the U.S.
needs to restore its competitiveness. Given the current concurring
crises, many people are increasingly questioning the way we live and
even moving towards wanting to dismantle capitalism, the root of the
problems, and toward creating a completely different world. However,
both Hudson and Tarpley are in essence propagandists for an effort to
recruit political activists and other members of the left into a
campaign whose aim is not to essentially change the way we live, but to
defend and fortify the most basic aspects of the
social/economic/political status quo. This program is highly
unlikely to be fully implemented by the system, given the growing
inability of production activity to yield a profit, but its underlying
rationale is a great way to legitimate a mobilization behind the
“national interest,” i.e. the interests of American capital in the
realm of each-against-all global competition for profitability as
international competition gets ever more intense. The only possible
results of such a trajectory are A. a global trade war which (d)evolves
into a world war, B. an international insurrection which results in the
overthrow of capitalism, or C. a rapid collapse of the global
production apparatus and efforts at local survival amidst widespread
barbarism. The course advocated by Hudson and Tarpley is thus highly
pernicious, relying upon deception and disinformation. If implemented,
its likely result would be a global war.
1. Maximilien Rubel, Rubel on Karl Marx: Five Essays,
Cambridge University Press (1981), pages 82-3
2. Webster Tarpley, 9/11 Synthetic Terror , Progressive
Press (2005), pages 109-111
July 28, 2010